Roanoke College student presents research on mod subculture

by roanokecollege on June 12, 2015


In late February of 2015, Rachel Barton, now a senior at Roanoke College, was able to present her research on mod subculture. Rachel worked under the Sociology department for her completion of her concentration in Gender and Women Studies. She decided to do research because of her interest in the concentration and interdisciplinary work. Rachel worked with Dr. Sarabia to expand on research Rachel had previously done and to examine gender expressions and subversive identities within the subculture.

Rachel enjoyed her time working one on one with a professor. She commented:

“It was great! I was given the opportunity to structure most of the product independently, do my own research, and basically go wherever I wanted with my argument. I loved being able to create my own project. And, of course, Dr. Sarabia was very helpful every step of the way. He offered me continual one on one feedback and encouraged me to go as far as I could with my research. He was as dedicated to me completing a successful project as I was.”

When asked about how it was to present her research, Rachel said:

“At first, I was really nervous, but it went very well! It was definitely an invaluable experience. I was in charge of creating my own presentation and presenting my research in an effective way. I was on a panel with two other researchers”

For any students interested in doing research, Rachel says:

“Do it! Even if you don’t think you can, even if you’re scared of starting your own projects, do it! There’s nothing like starting from scratch and ending up with a really cool, successful final product that’s completely the result of your own initiative. And the possibilities for research are endless! You can basically do whatever you’re interested in, and you can pick up some new interests along the way! I would recommend going to conferences too. Just imagine, you can get PAID to travel to really cool cities and talk about the crazy cool things that you’re interested in. And other accomplished scholars will encourage you! They can even help you get into graduate school! Why wouldn’t you jump on that opportunity?”

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