Dr. Alice Kassens, Associate Professor of Economics, and three of her students (Sara Caudle, Tyler Rinko, and Justin Tuma) recently had a manuscript published in the current issue of a peer reviewed journal, Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring (PURM). The title of this manuscript is “Do as I Say and as I Do: An Adaptation of McElroy’s Mentor Demonstration Model for Multiple Independent Study Projects”.
This is the first time an article has been published co-authored by economics faculty and students here at Roanoke. This particular journal (PURM) takes different types of articles and this one was a dialogue, which means the paper must have an open dialogue and reflection. The paper was submitted and reviewed by a peer review board with two students and two faculty. After the paper was reviewed, it was sent back to Dr. Kassens with revision comments and after revising it, it was sent back and published.
When asked about working with students on research, Dr. Kassens states that it “keeps me productive and working on my own research…working with them outside the classroom is another dimension to teaching…it’s one of the great benefits of a liberal arts college”. Dr. Kassens feels that research opportunities gives students a deeper education in a refined project, “they are the experts on their topic…it’s a powerful feeling”.
For students considering doing research, Dr. Kassens advises that they take advantage of these opportunities offered here at Roanoke. “There are great opportunities out there to learn intensely and deeply about a topic and in the long run, it makes you more marketable when applying for grad school and job opportunities.”
To read the article, go to: https://blogs.elon.edu/purm/current-issue-p-u-r-m-2-1/