Roanoke College Students Present at American Chemistry Society

by roanokecollege on April 17, 2016


Six Roanoke College students traveled to San Diego, CA to present at the American Chemistry Society in March. Two of those students were Thane Jones and Morgan Claybrook. Thane is a junior majoring in Chemistry who worked with Dr. Hollis for their research project. Morgan is a junior majoring in Biology and Chemistry who worked with Dr. Sarisky.

Thane’s research project was titled “Synthesis and Diels-Alder Reactivity of 1-(furanmethoxy)nonafluorobiphenyl and 4,4′-bis(furanmethoxy)octafluorobiphenyl”, in which he focused on Thermal Self-Heating Polymers. Morgan’s project focuses on cloning the gene DesIV from a specific type of soil bacteria, Streptomyces griseus.

Both Thane and Morgan enjoyed working with their professors while completing their research project.

Thane: “Dr. Hollis and I have been working one and one for the entire project, and I had daily meetings with him over the summer. Working closely with him really helped me to get into the mindset of a researcher. It taught me the types of questions I should be asking and the steps I should take to complete my goals.”
Morgan: “I’ve really enjoyed working for a professor while conducting research as I’ve been able to work independently but I also have someone with a great deal of knowledge on my topic whose advice I can seek out whenever necessary.”

Thane’s favorite part of the conference was during the beginning.

“Chemical supply companies all set up displays and examples of their products. I got to walk around and see the cutting-edge instrumentation, glassware, and apparatuses that are currently used in the field. We also got free T-shirts and such from the representatives.”

Morgan enjoyed seeing and hearing other’s research projects.

“I felt like I was getting to experience what the science community outside of what I get to be a part of at Roanoke College is really like.”

Both Thane and Morgan highly recommended doing research.

Thane: “Research gives you experience that goes beyond the typical course work and labs that you take during the year. Personally, my research has trained me to be a better chemist, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to perform research here at Roanoke College.”
Morgan: “It is a very intellectually rewarding process that helps you to learn valuable skills, like troubleshooting and critically evaluating problems, that will be beneficial for a future career.”

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