Research Highlight: Savannah Faith Clark & Christian Sanchez

February 27, 2020

Savannah Faith Clark and Christian Sanchez are current juniors at Roanoke College. They had the opportunity to present their research at the Virginia Academy of Science Undergrad Meeting. I asked them questions to get an insight of their experience presenting and what conducting research at Roanoke College is like. Can you describe what your research project […]

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Research Highlight: Stephanie Zemba

February 20, 2020

I had the opportunity to talk to Stephanie Zemba a current junior at RC. Not only did she have the opportunity to conduct research in the summer, but she also presented her research at MARCUS (Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of Undergraduate Scholarship). I asked Stephanie a few questions to get her insight about what her experience […]

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Research Highlight: Dr. Sarisky, Caroline Hunter, Nicholas Plymale, & Kevin Smee

November 7, 2019

Some of our fellow RC Maroons were recently published in The PLOS Journal. Dr. Sarisky and 3 recent RC graduates, Caroline Hunter, Nicholas Plymale, and Kevin Smee published their paper “Experimental characterization of two archaea inosine 5′-monophosphate cyclohydrolases”. RC Research had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Sarisky and Caroline Hunter about this accomplishment and their […]

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Research Highlight: Dr. Johann, Casey Cooper, Matt Bryant, & Naomi Hogan

October 5, 2019

Some of our fellow RC Maroons were recently published in The Protein Journal. Dr. Johann and 3 students, Casey Cooper (Wojtera while at RC), Matt Bryant, and Naomi Hogan, published their paper “Investigations of Amino Acids in the 5-Formyltetrahydrofolate Binding Site of 5,10-Methenyltetrahydrofolate Synthetase from Mycoplasma pneumonia”. RC Research had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Johann […]

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Research Highlight: Erin McDonnell

September 27, 2019

Recent graduate Erin McDonnell had the opportunity to present at SDB conference with Dr. Lassiter. I had the opportunity to interview her and get her take on her conference experience. Can you describe what your research project is about? At its core, my research project centered around ideas of Behavioral Neuroscience and Toxicology. My experiment […]

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Summer Scholar Research Highlights

September 12, 2019

Stephanie Zemba ’21 Major: Sociology Title:Social Isolation Among Aging Immigrants Abstract: Health consequences of social isolation are well-documented. Older immigrants are particularly vulnerable to social isolation due to the stresses associated with aging in a foreign country. The projected increase in foreign-born elders makes social isolation an important phenomenon to study. The proposed research will […]

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Summer Scholar Research Highlights

September 10, 2019

Dylan Sullivan ’20 Major: Chemistry Title: Development of a Low-Cost Fluorescence Spectrometer Abstract: The technique of fluorescence spectroscopy utilizes light to determine unknown concentrations of molecules. The actual instrument used, a fluorimeter, costs over $30,000 so most students lack access to learn about and use this technique. In this research, I propose to develop a fully-functional […]

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Summer Scholar Research Highlights

September 6, 2019

Andrew Droubay ‘20 Major: Computer Science & Mathematics Title: Pointer Visualization and Education in C++ Through Gamification Abstract:The syntactic and theoretical use of pointers within computer programming is often a difficult obstacle to intermediate students. Solutions involving visualizations and practice problems have been used before, but a better result may be obtained through gamifying the problem. […]

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RC Showcase of Research & Creativity

September 5, 2019

On April 5th, approximately 40 RC students had the opportunity to present their work at the Roanoke College Showcase of Research and Creativity.  Top awards went to . . . First Place: Katie Hefele –– Cardiac function in the American lobster: How does pericardial sinus pressure relate to pressure inside the heart?  Dr. Dar Jorgensen, Biology […]

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Summer Scholar Research Highlights

September 2, 2019

Jared Boone ’20 Major: Political Science & French Title: Power Structures and Political Tradition: An Explanation for the Disparate Healthcare Outcomes Between the United States and France Abstract: The United States and France have distinctly different healthcare systems and these differences are shown in nearly every measure. It is unique that two western Republics with very similar systems of governance, […]

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