Research Highlight: Emily Winstead

May 7, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak to Emily Winstead concerning her research with Dr. Crozier on microbial source tracking using DNA sequencing. Can you describe what your research project is about? My research falls into the field of microbial source tracking – which are methods used to identify sources of fecal contamination in water sample. […]

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Research Highlight: Lauren Powell

April 26, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak with Lauren Powell concerning her research with Dr. Bucholz concerning the empathic differences between conservatives and liberals.  Can you describe what your research project is about? The most recent research Dr. Buchholz and I have presented was a study about the empathic differences between conservatives and liberals. Right now, […]

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Research Highlight: Andrew Droubay

April 20, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak with Andrew Droubay concerning his research on using virtual reality training to help the National Forest Service fight fires. The research led to his winning of first prize for student research at the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges: Southeastern Regional Meeting for “Interactive Fire Spread Simulation”. Can you […]

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Research Highlight: Hannah Petty

April 12, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak with Hannah Petty concerning her research experience with Dr. Lassiter on examining the effects spironolactone has on the embryological development of zebrafish. Can you describe what your research project is about? For my research project, I look at the effects spironolactone has on the embryological development of zebrafish.  I […]

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Research Highlight: Therese Weidenkopf

March 17, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak with Therese Weidenkopf concerning her research experience with Dr. Hughes concerning the development of a methodology for the synthesis of the semiconductor nanocrystal CIS. Can you describe what your research project is about? My research involves the development of a methodology for the synthesis of the semiconductor nanocrystal CIS. […]

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Research Highlight: Stephanie Zemba

February 20, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak with Stephanie Zemba concerning her research experience with Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Mehrotra on examining interfaith dating relationships. Can you describe what your research project is about? Our research project examined interfaith dating relationships among college students, including students’ experiences, attitudes or views, expectations, and apprehensions. Drs. Kristi Hoffman […]

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Research Highlight: Ryan Denholm

February 4, 2021

I had the opportunity to speak with Ryan Denholm concerning his experience participating in an independent study with Dr. Bañuelos Montes which focused on actions committed by the Guatemalan military during the Cold War. Can you describe what your research project is about? My research project is about atrocities committed by the Guatemalan military during […]

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Research Highlight: Lauren Powell

November 9, 2020

I had the opportunity to speak with Lauren Powell concerning her experience presenting research she conducted with Dr. Bucholz at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention in New Orleans.  Can you describe what your research project is about? The most recent research Dr. Buchholz and I have conducted was a study about […]

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Research Highlight: Amber Gregory

October 12, 2020

I had the opportunity to talk to recent RC grad Amber Gregory about her research experience. She presented her research at the Southeast Decision Science Institute earlier this year (February 2020). We researched how Instagram affects one’s personal wellness, that being, anxiety, depression, tendency of eating disorders, and self-confidence. The members of our group picked […]

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Research Highlight: Jamie Obremski

September 7, 2020

I had the opportunity to talk to recent RC grad Jamie Obremski about her research experience. She had the opportunity to present her research at the Southeast Decision Science Institute (February 2020). Why did you decide to do research? I am a part of the Honors Program here at RC and this research is a […]

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