How do you analyze the same scene by different artists? Katrina King (’13) studied depictions of the annunciation for her Summer Scholars project

September 30, 2013

Katrina King (’14) is an Art History Major with a concentration in Business Leadership and Human Resource. For her research project she researched three paintings from the Italian Renaissance. All three paintings revolved around the Annunciation, a Biblical story where the angel Gabriel comes to visit the Virgin Mary to tell her she will bear […]

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Dr. Holbrook to speak at the RC Showcase of Experiential Learning this Friday, September 27

September 27, 2013

Dr. Elizabeth Holbrook will keynote the Showcase of Experiential Learning in Fintel Library this Friday, September 27. Check in starts at 6pm, and her talk will begin at 6:15 in the lobby of Fintel Library. Dr. Holbrook will be speaking about her current research on the “Roanoke Valley Community Healthy Living Index”. Dr. Holbrook and about […]

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Student paper competition – win $$ and influence policy!

September 23, 2013

Are you working on or planning a project that deals in some manner with American public policy in the last 75 years? It’s not too early to start thinking about the Fowler Paper Competition 2014!  The generosity of Mr. Fowler has made possible an annual research paper competition at Roanoke College to recognize outstanding student […]

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Measuring college student wellness: More than booze and biceps? Summer Scholar Emma Webb (’15) explains

September 18, 2013

Emma Webb (’15) spent her summer focused on measuring student wellness. “Many colleges offer different types of wellness programs to students. Programs can range from a self-defense class, to a competition reach ideal BMI, to a lecture series on emotional well being. One thing missing from these programs is a comprehensive way to measure student […]

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Summer Scholar Caroline Mueller (’15) researched recreation and exercise for the sensory impaired community

September 17, 2013

Caroline Mueller (’15) is an Exercise Science major whose research deals with recreation and exercise for the sensory impaired community. She began this study last semester with student-athletes from the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind cross country team. Caroline states that her favorite part about her experience as a Summer Scholar was […]

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Ever wonder how a composer decides what words to use in a song and what music should go along with it? Summer Scholar Emily Leimbach (’14) explains in her project on art song

September 16, 2013

Emily Leimbach (’14) spent the summer researching the many ways that people respond emotionally to music. Specifically, “I worked towards understanding different ways to illustrate music with a connection to its text. After understanding these different viewpoints, I applied them to my own study of a musical piece, Fauré’s ‘Chant d’automne’.” Emily mentions that Summer […]

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Biochemistry Summer Scholar Rose Kohinke (’14) explored recent advancements in sustainable chemistry

September 15, 2013

Rose Kohinke (’14) spent her summer in the Chemistry lab exploring recent advancements in sustainable chemistry. In particular, her project explored “the reactivity of silica sulfuric acid, which is a novel development that can help build complex and important molecules in a faster and cleaner manner.” Regarding full-time research through Summer Scholars: “I learned more […]

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Animal shelter volunteer, sports photographer, and head of lending services at RC: Hany Hosny

September 13, 2013

You’ve probably seen them around. You may have even talked to one of them. But do you really think you know them and what they can do for you at Roanoke? We’re talking about Roanoke College staff, of course. This semester, we will be profiling staff from across campus who are here to help you. Up first: […]

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Have you ever wanted to write or illustrate a children’s book? Kaitlyn Bell (’14) did both in her Summer Scholars project

September 12, 2013

Kaitlyn Bell (’14) is a Spanish major with a minor in Education. Her project dealt with code switching, which is a change from one language to another, and the impact it causes in the way that young children learn a second language. “I focused on switches between the English and Spanish languages and was even […]

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Why would an island nation import (and eat) so much spam? Alex DeLaricheliere (’14) examines childhood obesity in Palau as part of Summer Scholars program

September 11, 2013

Alex DeLaricheliere (’14) is a sociology major with an anthropology concentration. Alex’s Summer Scholars project was centered on ways to fight childhood obesity in the Republic of Palau, “a small island nation in the Western Pacific with childhood obesity rates over 30%.” For her research she surveyed and interviewed parents and teachers at a K-8 […]

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