How do foreign governments attract investment after civil conflict? Summer Scholar Samantha Garst (’15) explains

September 8, 2013

Samantha Garst (’15) is an International Relations major with a concentration in Global Business. Her research is based on the question of “what can governments do to attract more foreign capital at a time when they need it most–as they recover from civil conflict?” As for the Summer Scholars program, Samantha notes that “I loved […]

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Faculty: Seeking External Funding?

September 1, 2013

As a result of an idea generated by the Professional Life Cluster, a Grants Workgroup is forming this fall. The group will meet once a month to discuss topics related to identifying funding sources, writing effective proposals, collaborative efforts, learning from rejections and much more. The group will also serve to encourage one another throughout […]

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Present on Campus – Showcasing Opportunities for Students

August 17, 2013

Showcasing Opportunities for 2013-2014 Family Weekend Showcase on Friday, September 27, 2013 from 6-8pm in Fintel Library focused on research, artistic/creative work, and 2013 Mayterm travel courses. Apply to present by Sept 15. Showcase on Thursday, November 21, 2013 from 6-8pm in Fintel Library focused on service-learning, internships, and study abroad. Apply to present by […]

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Jon Marino (’14) and Heather Cook (’14) Present Present Research at National Conference, MathFest

July 31, 2013

Watch out Hartford–the mathematicians are coming! Over the next three days, two Roanoke College student researchers will present at MAA’s MathFest, “the largest annual summertime gathering of mathematicians.” The mission of the Mathematical Association of America, is “to advance the mathematical sciences, especially at the collegiate level.” Jon Marino (’14) has spent his summer researching […]

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Roanoke College Professor and Six Students Present at Regional Biology Conference

May 22, 2013

Dr. Chris Lassiter and six of his students recently attended the Mid-Atlantic Society for Developmental Biology conference on April 19-21, 2013 where four of those students presented posters. Ashley Briggs (’13) presented “Estrogen Replacement Therapy Prevents Cardiac and Vascular Failure in the ‘Listless’ Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Developmental Model”. Other authors on that poster included two former RC […]

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Roanoke College Senior Presents at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Conference

May 13, 2013

Maura Belanger recently presented her research project on purine biosynthesis in Archaea at the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) annual meeting in Boston, MA. Maura’s research is based in the chemistry department and she works with “one archaeon in particular Sulfolobus solfataricus and the first step in purine biosynthesis, characterized by the […]

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Congratulations to the 2 Valedictorians – Both URAP Scholars at Roanoke College

May 3, 2013

Congratulations to Kayla Muncy and Jeremy Johnson, our two valedictorians for the 2013 graduating class. Kayla has been a URAP scholar with Dr. Johann in Biochemistry for the past four years. Jeremy has been a URAP scholar with Dr. Vern Miller in Chemistry for the past four years. We can’t wait to hear you speak […]

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RC Students Present Research Conducted in China at National Conference

April 26, 2013

  Seniors Kathleen Ouyang and Thomas Emerson presented their research projects at the ASIANetwork National Conference in Nashville, TN on April 12. Their research projects were based from their Freeman Research Trip in China from this past May (see blog post from Feb. 19, 2012). They presented posters during a 3-hour long session. Kathleen’s topic […]

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Come to the RC Alumni Weekend Showcase of Research & Creativity this Friday

April 11, 2013

Roanoke College invites you to the “Alumni Weekend Showcase of Research & Creativity”, which takes place on Friday, April 12, 2013. Oral Presentations will be held in Fintel Library in the basement and Poster Presentations will be on the first floor of the library from 6-9pm. Students and faculty from all disciplines will be sharing […]

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Week of Experiential Learning – Including Study Abroad & May Travel, Service-Learning, Internships, Research, and Creative / Artistic Works

April 6, 2013

Each evening during the Week of Experiential Learning, we will feature a speaker as well as posters of student study abroad experiences, service-learning experiences, internships, creative/artistic work, and research. Students from all disciplines will participate. Please roam throughout the first floor of Fintel Library and stop to talk to students as they stand by their […]

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